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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

On receiving a Liebster Blog Award

What is a Liebster Blog Award? 

The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. “Liebster” is German for “favorite”. This award is the “favorite blog award” then.

Who Nominated Me ?

I was nominated by my fellow blogger and a dear friend Medha Kapoor. I really enjoy reading her posts and I am honored that she thought of my blog.

What are the Rules ? 

The rules… Start off by writing 11 random facts about yourself and then answer 11 questions which were left for you by your nominator. Then you can nominate up to 11 blogs and leave 11 questions for them to answer in return.Isn't it so interesting !?!


 So I will start off with 11 facts About Me…

  1. I hope to write a book someday.

    2.  I have to start each morning with a cup of coffee or I just don’t feel right (it’s an addiction, I know!) 

    3. I hate waiting.

    4.  I am a literature student.

    5. I am the most pampered child of my family. (I love it!)

    6. I am a sucker for small joys of life. 

    7. Reading books gives me inspiration to write more and more.

    8.  I love to chase my dreams.

    9. I am a confused soul sometimes.

    10. I hate watching movies. (Yes that's the truth!)

    11. I love my hair.

    11 Questions from Medha :

    What's your favorite color?
    Without any doubt I love the color Red. It makes me feel confident!

    What's your favorite cuisine?
    Anything Italian. 

    What are you most afraid of?

    How religious/spiritual are you?
    I am a religious person. Pray two times a day so now guess how religious I am ;) 

    Are you a feminist?
    I am an individualistic and therefore not a feminist.

    What are your views on same sex marriages? 
    Should be legalized everywhere. 

    What is your favorite odor?
    Love sandalwood.

    What music do you listen to when you're alone?
    When I'm alone, I listen to rock music and sometimes dance too. LOL

    What do you like to do on your birthday?
    I'm very much crazy for my birthday. I love the 12am calls till late midnight. And this day always has been surprising for me. Something new always happens and my family and friends make it so special. I spend half of the day with my friends and rest with my family. It's kind of reunion for me filled with amazing surprises.
    What is your favorite genre when it comes to reading?
    I love reading mystery, humor and fantasy genres. Difficult to choose favourite among them.

    What is your favorite genre when it comes to blogging?
    I really enjoy reading all blogs – such a wealth of information out there. Everyone has their own views. I love them all!

    Here are my nominees :
    Jyoti Mehta
    Priyanka Banerjee
    Ankit Minglani
    Surbhi Mehra
    Prerna Priyam
    Abhinav Mathur
    Priya Arora
    Jasmine Bhatia 
    Yukti Sehgal 

    And now the questions I want to ask them:

    Q1. Who is your favorite author?
    Q2. What accomplishment are you most proud of?
    Q3. What inspires you to write?
    Q4. What book are you reading at the moment ?
    Q5. Your favourite movie in recent past which doesn’t go out of your mind?
    Q6. Do you believe in life after death? If yes, what would you like to reborn as?
    Q7. What is the primary focus of your blog?
    Q8. What music do you listen to when you write, if any?
    Q9.  Favourite place to read?
    Q10. Do you have special plans for this year 2013?
    Q11. Three things you want to do before you die ? 

    Congrats to the nominees, accept the award and forward it to the ones who deserve it.